Hopefield's mission is to enrich the lives of children with special needs or disabilities, and their families, through innovative programs that promote inclusion, raise awareness and encourage community involvement.

Our goal is to make quality services and programs available to ALL children and families who need them.

Our Services

  • A Pocket Full of Hope

    A fund dedicated to covering therapy and other expenses for children not covered by insurance.

  • Reading with Izzy and Pals

    Program designed to build early literacy skills and ignite the love for reading in children.

  • Sensory Friendly Holidays

    A program designed to help children with special needs or disabilities comfortably participate in cherished holiday activities and traditions.

  • Boxes of Hope

    A program designed to offer hope and encouragement to children and families in need. Boxes containing new or gently used clothing as well as developmentally appropriate toys, books, toiletries and/or games are being distributed to families in need following referrals from various agencies.

  • It Takes a Village

    A program designed to facilitate community involvement and support for children with special needs, health concerns, or disabilities and their families by raising awareness of challenges children and their families face every day.

Our desire is for all children to

lead happy, healthy lives in living and supportive homes and communities.